Budde Music and Edition MUM Publishing sign Anja Krabbe


The Berlin-based singer-songwriter has signed a publishing agreement with Budde Music and Edition MUM Publishing. The diverse artist has already released albums solo, in a band and other project. She has lent her voice as a studio singer to various productions. She also played numerous concerts and tours and wrote scores for commercials and films.

Budde Music und Edition MUM Publishing signen Anja Krabbe

f.l.t.r.: Max Fischer & Uli Mücke (Edition MUM), Anja Krabbe, Anne Mahlendorf (Junior Repertoire Manager, Budde Music) & Marc Johlen (Senior A&R, Budde Music)

Among other things, Anja Krabbe wrote the music, songs and lyrics for all shows of the Friedrichstadt-Palast in Berlin between the end of 2011 and the middle of 2016. The elaborate productions reached a total of over two million visitors. Anja Krabbe also successfully writes songs and lyrics for artists such as Roland Kaiser, Michelle, Luxuslärm and the nominees of the ECHO 2018 Ben Zucker, Maite Kelly and Voxxclub.

Budde Music and Edition MUM Publishing are looking forward to the future cooperation with Anja Krabbe and to many great projects.

Marc Johlen (Senior A & R & Artist Manager, Budde Music): “For many years, Anja has been involved in well-known projects and successes. We are therefore all the more pleased that we are now able to work with her in cooperation with Edition MUM Publishing and target many more great projects. As a songwriter and author, she is essential for numerous songs in the Friedrichsstadt-Palast and is an indispensable part of German pop.”

Anja Krabbe: “Music is the engine of my life. Yet for many years I deliberately did not commit myself to a publisher. However, the collaboration with Uli Mücke and the Budde Music team has positively surprised, motivated and inspired me so much that I am very happy to have found a new home for my writing activities in this long-standing family business. I am looking forward to everything we will think up, discover and work on together. ”

Link to Budde Music

Anja Krabbe wrote songs for the childrenshow VERRÜCKTE SONNE

VERRÜCKTE SONNE – The upcoming childrenshow at Friedrichstadt-Palast, Berlin


The upcoming childrenshow is telling a Jump ‘n’ Run Adventure over solidarity, friendschip, and the courage to surpass oneself.

It thematizes the insight that big interventions against nature have big consequenses on us and the planet we are living on.

More than 100 kids are playing for kids and their families on the biggest theater stage in the world.

Anja Krabbe wrote songs and songlyrics for this show.


Link to the website of the Friedrichstadt-Palast

MICHELLE – Ich würd’ es wieder tun

12473810_1186595788047837_2650574985772489463_oMICHELLE – Ich würd´ es wieder tun
Anja Krabbe steuerte mit ihren Co-Autoren Ingo Rud, Marc Hiller, Christoph Papendieck, Tommy Remm und René Schostak die aktuelle Radiosingle  “Wir feiern das Leben” und die Titel “Hör nie auf zu lieben” und “Steh dazu” zu diesem Album bei.
VÖ: 15.04.2016
Label: Universal
zur Website von MICHELLE
Album anhören/kaufen bei itunes
Album anhören/kaufen bei amazon
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Act Now Jugend Award 2015 im Friedrichstadt-Palast

Act Now Jugend Award 2015 Jury-Mitglieder

Foto: Die Jury-Mitglieder Dr. Berndt Schmidt, Henriette Schwabe (Moderatorin der PK), Dr. Auma Obama, Tafara Plauschinat, Sibylle Bassler, Janina Otto (v. l.) Foto: Eventpress Sascha Radke

Große Bühne für starke Jugendliche und gegen Fremdenhass: Dr. Auma Obama und der Friedrichstadt-Palast laden am 2. November 2015 zum Act Now Jugend Award 2015 nach Berlin.

Anja Krabbe steuerte Musik für die Award-Show bei.

Website des Act Now Jugend Award

Pressemitteilung des Friedrichstadt-Palastes

Wiederaufnahme von Keinschneechaos

Keinschneechaos PlakatMit ‚Keinschneechaos‘ erzielte das vielfach ausgezeichnete junge Ensemble des Palastes 2013 einen großen Erfolg. Am 21. und 22. November 2015 feiert die größte und prächtigste Kindershow weltweit nun ihre Wiederaufnahme-Premiere. Vor allem im Bühnenbild wurde die aufwendige Produktion überarbeitet, deren junge Darsteller*innen inmitten von rosa Plüschhasen nach dem verschwundenen Schnee fahnden.

Anja Krabbe war Mitglied des Kreativteams und komponierte gemeinsam mit ihren Kollegen die Songs zur Show, in der es um die Suche nach dem verschwundenen Schnee geht.

Link zu Trailer & Hörproben der Show